Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by David Douglas Hunt

Date submitted
10 September 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The courses of the aircraft flying from Gatwick often operate way out of the preferred noise path route and travel over the AONB near Coldharbour creating a major noise nuisance for those trying to enjoy the area as well as those living there. This matter of Gatwick airport pushing the boundaries of the outgoing flight path has remained unaddressed for several years. Until this matter is satisfactory resolved I can’t see how the government could consider increasing the volume of flights when a suitable flight path that adheres to the existing preferred nuisance noise path has been resolved. The noise can at times be a relentless nuisance with planes taking off every few minutes and operating at early and late hours. It’s incredibly antisocial. There is a conflict with the governments narrative on protecting the environment when it is also considering to increase the volume of pollution produced by Gatwick Airport. Given how much increasing the volume flights would reduce the quality of life for local residents and users of the green spaces and AONB, as well as the substantial negative environmental impact there isn’t a good enough justification and necessity for even more flights. Equally unlike the automotive industry which is constantly innovating to produce more environmentally friendly and sustainable technology, the airline industry remains entirely dependant on old engineering concepts and high polluting technology which seems unlikely to change in the next 10 years. The government needs to be demanding more material improvements from airlines to reduce the environmental impact and noise pollution and the industry demonstrate real progress before anybody could seriously consider expansion. I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway for a number of reasons as set out below: Gatwick airport has been operating an antisocial flight path outside of the noise preferential route from its westerly departures for several years now, crossing over an area of outstanding natural beauty, causing antisocial noise to the households at unsociable hours and impacting house prices. They have yet to suitably resolve the issue or propose a satisfactory alternative flight path. An expansion to the airport which will increase noise nuisance and cannot be considered until this substantial matter is resolved for its existing air traffic. This matter has been ongoing between the airport and local communities for 4 years. We face a climate emergency, and a new runway would add a significant amount of carbon and greenhouse gases. There appears to be a huge contradiction between the Government's agenda on saying it supports the climate agenda whilst considering expansions to industries with high environmental impact. Surely greater leaps in aerospace technology would be required in order to offset the carbon impact of the leisure air travel industry before an expansion could be considered! Evidence CCC (2020) The Sixth Carbon Budget – Methodology Report. Available at: Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway which does not comply with policy, Government’s Aviation Strategy. Gatwick does not have 2 runways that it can operate concurrently today as such it is a new runway being constructed. Increase in aircraft noise – evidence an additional 101,000 flights a year to a cap of 386,000. Lack of affordable housing locally to enable workers to walk or cycle to work as the applicant proposes. And lack of amenities. Low skilled jobs are offered with little job security due to the volatile nature of the airport’s leisure business. Gatwick sits on a single main road, the M23 which is deemed an unsafe smart road. To add to the huge increase in freight, passengers and workers will cause a significant increase in congestion on residential roads and an inevitable decline in air quality. The airport sits on the Brighton Main Line, which can’t be expanded. Gatwick seeks to add an unacceptable burden to the line with over 32m extra passengers.