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Representation by Allan Bowell

Date submitted
10 September 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

There is a very real threat from climate extremes exacerbated by the increase in air traffic. The expansion of airports is a sign that the economy is seen to be more important than this threat. I am an old man and am extremely concerned for the future of my grandchildren and their children, There is no way any sane political leadership should allow this to happen. Any decision should be part of a very clear policy defining how this and other radical measures related to the replacement of fossil fuels with sustainable energy production and reducing carbon in the atmosphere will tackle this crisis in an effective and long lasting way. I am unaware of a comprehensive policy to tackle this threat and therefore no expansion of airports should be considered unless it is part of this global plan to tackle the climate crisis. I cannot believe that any sensible policy would include the expansion of airports. It is time for the climate threat to be vigorously tackled rather than let economists dictate unplanned and uncoordinated actions in isolation from the long term consequences. My concern is that from and environmental point of view and an infrastructure point of view this project is undesirable The last thing Crawley and the surrounding area needs is more traffic, increased population, more housing development to cater for more workers, more support industries for an expanded airport and greater strain on public services. Environmentally air travel is bad for carbon emissions, harmful pollutants into the atmosphere globally and more importantly locally for the Crawley population, profit for the air industry cannot be allowed to dictate the nature of the quality of life in terms of air noise and increased population demands