Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Roger Brooks

Date submitted
11 September 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I cannot see any useful information about flightpaths once the new runway comes in to use. There is plenty of information about the flightpaths that follow straight off either end of the runways but nothing else. Since the implementation of the NPRs the majority of the planes follow exactly the same route and that means the same people are inundated with noise. Before NPRs the planes flew in a wide corridor so noise was reduced as there was a wider physical space for planes to fly on, some planes flew to the north some planes over and some planes to the south. In the absence of any other near by airports no one has ever explained why NPRs are required in this area. Where we live the planes are banking and climbing and as a result we get a great deal of noise and pollution as the planes bank and climb and their engines power up to provide the additional power to lift as the planes bank to climb away from the airport. Gatwick Airport refuses to carry out any noise monitoring in this area. Flights start as earlier as 6pm and do not end until 11pm. We will get no compensation, double glazing and insulation for the flight noise and pollution. Despite the applicant’s suggestion we cannot accept that plane noise will reduce because of quieter planes when there will be twice as many planes. The applicant also stated that noise reduction is out of their control as it is in the hands of the flight operators to use newer planes. If the noise does not reduce there is no means by which to punish the applicant nor the operators, we as the public just have to put up with the noise and pollution and that is not acceptable. We therefore object to any increase in flights until we can see that there is more information about where all the additional flights are flying locally and how noise and pollution will be reduced and these reductions enforced.