Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by David Anthony John Brett

Date submitted
13 September 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I oppose the proposed expansion of Gatwick Airport. This plan will put ever increasing pressure on what are basically rural roads and the nearby villages with little, if any, local infrastructure improvements to counter these pressures. In addition the likely doubling of noise and air pollution over the local communities with the increased number of flights will severely impact those communities.The judicial review a few years ago to change the route 4 flightpaths lessened the impact on Newdigate but some airlines still abuse the revised Noise Preferential Route (NPR) by using the southernmost limits of the NPR when taking off, and fly over Newdigate at low altitude, with the resulting increase in noise and air pollution. Challenges in the past merely conclude that my house, and others, and postcode are within the NPR albeit on the farthest southerly limit. This is an unnecessary proposal which will only increase the profits of the Gatwick owners, and shareholders, with little concern for the local communities affected directly by this expansion. Our health, peace and wellbeing should be uppermost in the minds of any examining authority and above the profit motive.