Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Clive Lavington

Date submitted
14 September 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Gatwick Airport introduced a flight path a few years back that allowed planes to turn a tight right when taking off in an easterly direction putting full throttle climbing planes directly over Felbridge and East Grinstead. No consultation was made with the affected residents, No noise or pollution monitoring equipment has been put in place along this route (I have requested information on this from Gatwick and had no response). Flights start at 6am and continue to midnight. We as resident are afforded only a 6 hour break to sleep. This has a big impact on our quality of life when Easterly take offs on a tight right turn are occurring. When this new flight path came into place I looked into the Airports scheme to provide noise reducing enhancement to properties affect, this flight path was not recognised as included in the scheme and assistance was denied. Should the second Runway scheme be approved 10s of thousands of residents living in the Felbridge and East Grinstead area will be massively impacted by constant high levels of noise disruption and increased levels of air pollution. Should the Airport revert back to the old Easterly take of route climbing the planes over a more rural areas before turning right around the back of the East Grinstead then the impact to the populous areas would be less. Gatwick Airport (VINCI) are only interested in increased profits and have zero interest in noise & pollution reduction or the impact on the lives of 10s of thousands of people in the surrounding areas who's quality of lives will be reduced by increased air traffic, vehicle congestion, noise, pollution etc. My preference would be no airport expansion however if this is not the case then the flight paths should be restricted to remove the take off routes over the surrounding built up areas to lesson impact to the majority of local residence.