Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Nicholas Charle White Anderson

Date submitted
16 September 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

For me, the 24/7 concentrated flight paths introduced without consultative planning in 2013/2014 are a major reason for lack of sleep at night and rest and relaxation in the day. I cannot have people round for a chat in the garden, too noisy. I live over 20 miles from the airport. Their response to complaints? Court threats, e.g. to an OAP lady taken to court (rightly acquitted), bullying behaviour. And even to the extent of making it so hard to complain, many people have been put off. How can they be increasing flights when they can't handle the current volume, safely (e.g. without pollution and serious disturbing of communities)? Why are there so many community organisations (globally as well) protesting against the current excessive noise and air pollution? An increase would be devastating and possibly result in mass protest. How are we to meet climate demands if we continue to use taxpayer’s money, fuel duty breaks, VAT breaks and taxpayer grants to subsidise a market that is not viable or sustainable. The air, noise and water pollution are globally understood issues. I also think aviation in general is damaging other less environmentally modes of transport. Gatwick is solely a cash machine for foreign investors. After submitting to the 2015 consultation, what I consider to be massaged data they cannot be trust to behave responsibly. They also based said consultation on business use. MP Nus Ghani has described Gatwick as "our favourite Holiday airport", it also clear that it is not handling significant amount of freight or business travellers, just flying people out of the country to spend their money on foreign interest. Gatwick is a drain the UK resources due to its effects on the UK and its cash pipeline into the pockets of foreign investors. Gatwick airport has a long history of lying to, misleading and not properly communicating with communities and individuals. Mitigation promises have not been met in full. There is little trust in LGW from the voter. One business should not be so polluting as to cause actual damage to the amenity and health of so many people. Therefore, I ask the government to consider optimising current traffic by removing short haul completely, not allowing empty or near empty flights and generally regulating the flight paths so they require full planning permission across all local council areas they affect. And no further runway expansion. Communities are not here for the benefit of foreign investors who only see a cash line and not the damage they are causing through negligence. As a local councillor, I have had many complaints about noise form the overflying. The above content contains my personal opinions.