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Representation by RBC Brewin Dolphin (RBC Brewin Dolphin)

Date submitted
18 September 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Our concerns are about the potential impact upon the us. We are one of the leaseholders based at Firstpoint, Buckingham Gate. The disruption envisaged to our business operation will be to our vehicular access rights & parking. There will also be increased noise & vibration to be ensured by staff, clients & visitors. The highway infrastructure works prompted by the NRP will cause us some concern during the construction period. The increased heavy goods vehicle use & construction activity will adversely impact us.The private access road off the Ring Road South heading southwards off the roundabout will be heavily utilized for construction traffic & a plot of land within the Firstpoint car park will be occupied by a temporary construction compound which will need to be erected. If Gatwicks Airports Limited are not able to plan a secondary means of vehicular access & egress off Balcombe Road should the use of the access roads of the Ring Road South become problematic, then this will causes us a major problem.They would need to take control of the ownership of the access road which links up to Balcombe Road.