Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Jeremy Knowles

Date submitted
18 September 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My objections to this proposal cover the following principal areas: 1) The massive increase in aircraft noise disturbance 2) The detrimental effects on the local and global environment 3)The massive Impact on local traffic 4) The lack of supporting Infrastructure in our area 1) I am a resident of Felbridge whose property lies directly under a turning point of aircraft which have recently taken off and which are directed above my house by a specific beacon during certain conditions. This comes into play when the wind comes from the east, i.e., when there are blocking Highs, which bring hot, sunny weather in the summer. At such times the noise, especially from the many, small Easy Jet planes, starting before 6 am in the morning until 10.30pm at night, which occurs every couple of minutes. Sometimes the planes fly very low, and the noise is truly deafening. If the number of flights doubles ,as planned, this will seriously affect our quality of life during such times, which is when I should be able to enjoy my garden and surrounding countryside. What also has to be taken into account are the many recent and planned house building projects in Felbridge, East Grinstead and around the A264 and M23 Junction, which means that many more people will be greatly affected during these periods. Has any consideration been given to this increase? 2) Our area is semi-rural which is one of the major benefits of living here. Surrounding areas contain a very high number of Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. This seems to matter not one jot to the airport’s owners, who seem to be entirely profit driven. Doubling the size of an already large airport to the same size as Heathrow is now and the massive impact of building the new runway and associated buildings will in itself have an enormous impact. Globally all countries face an alarming challenge in reducing impact on global warming and climate change. We must do all we can to play our part in minimising the production of CO2 and other pollutants that lead to the impending climate catastrophe and expanding Gatwick unnecessarily, would be foolish in the extreme. 3.) Our area has traditionally been a rural one. Local roads have only had to support relatively low traffic volumes. Our main town of East Grinstead had a small population of 27000 or so. Recent house building and that in planning including those in the western areas in Crawley have already greatly increased the amount of traffic on our roads. The huge increases in traffic that this expansion would mean, would create further disruption. Having lived in outer London , I have experienced constant traffic and congestion and fear that these conditions would soon transfer to our entire area with this proposal. 4) It seems ludicrous to me that with the existing poor infrastructure a project like this should even be considered. The airport is served by one train mainline which has frequent delays and breaks due to industrial action. There is no Tube connection. The current air traffic control cannot cope with existing flight frequencies apparently. And most importantly the M23 stops miles short of direct access into London at Hooley where is becomes a largely single carriageway road, with a 20mph speed limit into the central area. How ludicrous is that? In summary this is an unnecessary, mad proposal with huge detrimental local and global impact that should be rejected out of hand at this early stage. Gatwick is big enough!