Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Victoria Clifford

Date submitted
21 September 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Bringing the Northern runway at Gatwick into routine use for takeoffs is a bad idea because: 1.It will allow more air traffic, which will prevent the uk meeting its national and international greenhouse gas targets to halt climate change 2. It will encourage air travel at a time of climate crisis, and air travel is one of the worst contributors to climate crisis. 3. It will cause traffic congestion, fuel pollution and noise pollution in the Gatwick area. 4,The local area already has a creaking education health housing and transport infrastructure- using the Northern runway would stretch the local infrastructure to breaking point 5. Whilst you may manage to get your airport emissions to net zero- and good for you if so!- the doubled amount of flights leaving the airport and flying to and from their destinations will greatly increase the greenhouse gases. 6. The planet cannot sustain infinite growth- and this project aims to increase economic growth. 7. Some of the construction work will be outside the existing boundary, in a landscape near SSSI and in an area of outstanding natural beauty. Currently people watch deer there.