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Representation by Chichester Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Chichester Chamber of Commerce & Industry)

Date submitted
23 September 2023
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

The Chichester Chamber of Commerce is committed to promoting economic growth, business development, and employment opportunities in Chichester and across our region. We believe that the expansion of Gatwick Airport is a strategic investment that will benefit not only Chichester but also the broader West Sussex economy. We recognise the concern around the environmental impact but also acknowledge Gatwick Airport's commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. The incorporation of eco-friendly practices and technologies in the expansion plans aligns with our community's values and ensures a more sustainable future. Key opportunities that this project will bring include: (1) Job Creation - The expansion of Gatwick Airport will create and secure substantial number of jobs in various sectors, including construction, hospitality, aviation, and retail. These employment opportunities will provide much-needed stability and growth for our local workforce. (2) Economic Growth - Gatwick Airport is a crucial driver of economic activity in West Sussex. The Northern Runway expansion will lead to increased tourism, trade, and investment, stimulating growth in our local businesses and helping them thrive in a competitive market. (3) Connectivity - Improved connectivity through Gatwick Airport is vital for Chichester's businesses to reach international markets and customers. The expansion will enhance accessibility for both domestic and international travellers, facilitating trade and business interactions. (4) Tourism Boost - Gatwick's expansion will attract more tourists to West Sussex, creating a positive impact on our local hospitality and tourism industries. Increased visitor numbers will boost revenue for our region and support cultural and recreational amenities. Overall, we believe the Gatwick Northern Runway project promises significant economic advantages for our community and the surrounding areas.