Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Paul Douglas

Date submitted
23 September 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We already endure aircraft flying into and out of Gatwick. There are many others who are similarly or worse affected. Any increase in traffic, never mind the potential doubling that a second runway suggests, can only be to the serious detriment of those affected now. I wish to object to the proposal on the following grounds: my home is already regularly overflown by aircraft operating out of Gatwick and is also in easy sight of the eastbound flightpath into the airport. Noise intrusion from both sources is unwelcome but now just about tolerable. It has increased steadily to today's level in the 46 years we have lived here and is presumably at its peak if a second runway is being sought. In simple terms, therefore, doubling the airport's potential capacity must do the same for all sources of intrusion over the wide area currently affected which raises that intrusion to unreasonable and unacceptable levels. As the direct economic benefits would necessarily be retained close to the airport there is not even the vaguest advantage to that wide area. Furthermore, the clear recognition of air travel as a significant factor in climate change argues against any case for increased airport capacity. While initiatives exist for greener aviation fuel and electric-powered aircraft these have yet to be proven economically practicable and, in any case, are many years away from the degree to which they can have any major influence on air travel. Thus, at the very best, the proposal for a second runway is highly premature and not justified by the current circumstances which can be seen to be impervious to any meaningful change in the next 10 to 20 years.