Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by SMB

Date submitted
24 September 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I visit the area of Sussex under the new flight path fairly recently and do not want to experience the additional noise pollution or carbon pollution. The new proposed flight path goes over hundreds if not thousands of houses and will cause massive disruption to all the residents who live there, not to mention a massive fall in house prices (the uncertainty of whether this runway will go ahead could be the cause of why houses in this area are no longer selling). Furthermore, climate change is a massive global problem. If we want to lead on combatting climate change, we need to improve the environment, not worsen it by adding a new runway! If LEZ/ULEZ zones are being introduced across the country for vehicles, what about the pollution from planes? Planes cause a lot of pollution. In addition, if we want to improve our economy and growth, we need to focus on making people want to stay in the UK on holiday and spend their money in this country, not provide another means of ensuring the can spend all their money abroad. Having another runway will not only increase noise and exhaust pollution from planes, but this would also increase the amount of traffic in the area. This would increase noise and exhaust pollution even more, which is unacceptable. The infrastructure around the airport would also not be able to take all of this traffic; the only motorway nearby is the M23 and the railway cannot be expanded. The second runway for Gatwick has already been rejected before in favour of a Heathrow expansion, so what has changed? This will still ruin lives in the South East. In summary, a second runway would cause chaos in the South East and all residents. If the government really cared about pollution, this would be rejected again in favour of the lives of residents in the area, rather than companies making profits.