Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Andrew Braddon OBE

Date submitted
25 September 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This ill-conceived scheme MUST be refused by the Planning Inspectorate. The information provided thus far is totally inaccurate and in my view contains misrepresentations. The most major of which appears on the recent London Gatwick leaflet circulated. Front page, middle paragraph reference is made to 'our existing northern runway also known as our emergency or standby runway'... This runway was created decades ago for emergencies and the description that LGW are now using is frankly false. If this runway was to be used for regular flights it goes totally against the original health and safety concept on which the airport was designed. The current LGW infrastructure cannot cope with the number of airlines presently using it, To therefore even consider the thought of 75 million passengers per year by the late 2030's is farcical. I had the mis pleasure of flying from and to LGW at the beginning of September 2023 it is clear that financial investment has been minimal - the airport looked tired, nothing worked, in the departure area, flooring was worn out, seating was tired and many seats unusable. As a disabled person I had to rely on LGW special assistance. On my return arrival, having landed late, I was informed that I would have to wait a further hour for wheelchair assistance (well passed midnight and an unacceptable experience.) Many colleagues and friends have said the same. How can LGW even contemplate this huge increase in flights and passengers when the airport is falling apart with it's current passenger numbers. This leads me on to a critical point that must be investigated in more detail. The reason for the lack of expenditure is a simple one, the management of LGW and its' major partner Vinci are commercial businesses who understandably look for significant profit on their investment. By spending little on the airport and then increasing revenue streams by planning a second runway will indeed increase profit which in turn will increase the capital value of this asset when it will undoubtedly will be sold. Bonuses will be ludicrous. The leaflet is titled 'One Step closer To A Brighter future- For Everyone' should read One Step Closer To Significant Capital Gains/Bonuses For Stakeholders! Since the demise of BAA, LGW has been in the hands of various investors/venture capitalists who's only interest is to maximise value, with no consideration for all of the affected residents in Kent, Surrey, Sussex etc who are already being badly affected by massive noise pollution, low flying aircraft with all the associated problems this creates. Some time ago I thought an agreement had been reached with LGW regarding flight paths and their spread, flight altitudes etc. There are now more flights on certain days and due to even lower altitudes residents of places like Penshurst, Chiddingtone, Fordcombe, Bidborough are having their lives destroyed. None of the Gatwick applicants can give a damn. Reference is made to 'environmental impact'. This will be horrendous and there are and will be no sensible mitigations. I have written to the Secretary of State for Transport and the Minister for Aviation and neither have had the courtesy to respond to me directly. But, I have now received a particularly unhelpful reply looking very much like a standard response from the Aviation Directorate. They actually confirmed that the Government remain supportive of airports across the UK bringing forward ambitious proposals to invest in their infrastructure. I can not believe that at this stage in the planning process a government representative would put into writing such a bold and concerning statement. LGW ironically confirmed that they support the governments net zero targets, which include bringing forward their goal to be net zero for airport emissions under their control to 2030. Again, utter nonsense and we all know that this cannot be achieved. LGW themselves have not given any explanation to how this can be achieved and what happens after 2030? In conclusion, the planning application itself is totally flawed and the Inspectorate must look very closely at their proposals and the words that they are producing for the general public. There are no benefits to the Northern Runway Project. It is an emergency runway and should remain so. With regard to their 6 bullet point benefits: -14,000 additional jobs...where are these people going to live, where can they find a doctor or a dentist, schools for their children or hospital services? -new global does this help anyone other than the airlines, LGW and Vinci? -£1billion of value added...not a planning point anyway but a detailed breakdown must be provided and confirmation should be received on how much of this will go to the stakeholders -more landscaping and green planting...I would assume based on current investment this will consist of a bag of grass seed and a couple of bushes and will leave LGW airport as ugly and tired as it currently is -75million passengers by the late 2030's...this claim must be refuted. If it was to happen there would be so many aircraft that the sun would be blocked from the skies! -highway improvements...the M23/M25 doesn't work at the moment and highway improvements have been minimal. I actually believe that with LGW's proposals outlined which are frankly a dream rather than a reality, the roads around the airport will be utterly gridlocked. On behalf of my family, my fellow neighbours and many affected parties in this part of South East England please, please reject this application and allow the emergency runway to remain as it is and for the purpose of what it was designed. Also please, please look very seriously into LGW's claims and the alleged benefits of this project Thank you for taking the time to consider my comments with which I hope you will agree
