Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Kirdford Parish Council (Kirdford Parish Council)

Date submitted
27 September 2023
Submitted by
Parish councils

As a Local Parish Council we are totally opposed to a 2nd runway at Gatwick. Here are a few of the reasons that we oppose this expansion of airport capacity at Gatwick : flights will increase from 285,000 to 386,000, passenger numbers will increase from 46.6m to 76m, new areas will be overflown by the increased number of flights, there will no increased infrastructure expenditure to benefit the community (apart from a new flyover in front of the airport and some junctions including one in the Croydon area) certainly nothing that will benefit our area of West Sussex which is already plagued by excessive overflights, no investment is being made in the railway line or residential roads when the line to Gatwick that passes through our local railway station (Billingshurst) is already at capacity, air quality is expected to be breached from the outset, and there is no account being taken of the climate emergency as declared by several local councils. Far from building new runways, we should be restricting the number of flights going in and out of Gatwick.