Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Philip Dawes

Date submitted
29 September 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The noise pollution from Gatwick Airport flights is already prevalent throughout the day. The proposed increase in flights will greatly increase this over a designated area of outstanding natural beauty. Additionally, the increase in CO2 emissions is incompatible with our national carbon reduction obligations and is yet another example of the blatant disregard for climate change. No economic benefit will be derived in my local area but there will be more road and rail congestion across Kent and Sussex at a time when the road and rail infrastructure is criminally inadequate already. Rather than investing for short-term gains Gatwick ought to be considering investments in green aviation technologies that would generate both local and national job creation compatible with our commitment to mitigate the worst effects of anthropogenic driven climate change. Finally it goes without saying that the proposals will greatly impact house prices causing even greater stress on families at a time when there is already a cost of living crisis. As we live under the flight path I have already observed an increase in flights from Gatwick in recent months and I do not care for the manner in which Gatwick Airport has tried to get an additional runway (that had previously been considered) by simply using its emergency runway. That speaks volumes to the commitment of the Airport to the local community and the impunity they feel they have in managing their business. This should not even be under consideration, again.