Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Jane Vogt

Date submitted
8 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This is a new runway and as such should go through the proper planning process. Not a DCO. The proposal is for the emergency runway to be rebuilt north of it's current position. The emergency and main runways cannot be used concurrently. Much of the surrounding countryside is designated AONB ( area of outstanding natural beauty) and there are many listed and historic buildings. These areas and houses are where people go to enjoy the peace and quiet of the countryside. Aviation noise especially when constant is very intrusive. Gatwick already has a detrimental impact on places like Hever Castle ( home of Anne Boleyn and the Ashdown Forest) another runway at Gatwick would be devastating for the whole area. The airport are suggesting that they will deal with more freight. The infrastructure is not there to accommodate more traffic generally and certainly not more heavy lorries. Many of our roads have no pavements. There is only one railway line that cannot be extended.