Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Sarah Leaver

Date submitted
9 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to the proposed project on the following basis: - it will result in a massive increase in the number of planes that will fly over the local area causing more noise pollution (when it is already an issue particularly on cloudy days when the planes often fly very low) and more environmental pollution. I understand CO2 emission levels will increase by more than 50% which is shocking at a time when we are in a climate change crisis and the country (along with the rest of the world) has a responsibility to reduce existing CO2 levels. I understand Gatwick would generate 5.5% of all UK CO2 emissions by 2038 which is completely unacceptable. - increases in road congestion. How do you propose this is dealt with? We already have issues with maintaining roads in this area (dangerous pot holes left unattended for weeks/months) - how will more road congestion help this? What plans will you put in place to minimise road congestion and increase maintenance of our roads? - house price devaluation: this is a concern for all homeowners in the area - very little benefit to the local area- I understand the additional employment opportunities in this area will be minimal.