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Representation by Bower Properties (Bower Properties)

Date submitted
9 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We would like to Register our strong objections against the proposed Gatwick airport planning Application to build an additional runway and increase the number of flights - noise -pollution Emissions and the knock on effect to our lovely village of Hever and surrounding villages that are in the Green belt- heritage- land of outstanding beauty- conservation areas plus many other important Listings that were legally recognised/ approved to protect and preserve the heritage of our beautiful villages. Over the past 19 years that myself and my family have lived in Hever the number of Aeroplanes flying over our property and the surrounding areas have increased significantly and so has the noise and the increased number of hours per day every day that the aircraft are flying over our properties. If the number of flights increasesd to the level proposed if the new runway was allowed Granted it would destroy the entire village life for all of the properties that are currently living under the flight path and the financial loss due to our property prices being reduced by a considerable amount and the severe lack of interested buyers due to the unbearable / unacceptable noise level of the aircraft constantly flying over our property’s It would destroy many thousands of people’s lives. We strongly oppose/ object to this proposal. Jeff Jenny and the Arnold family and friends