Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Mark Rouson

Date submitted
11 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The expansion of Gatwick to include the second runway cannot be taken in isolation to the airport perimeter (whatever that may be in future). The required support infrastructure in what is already a heavily built up area around the airport environs will have a significant negative impact on the local community (additional travelers, additional workers and their accommodation, healthcare, childcare/education), the local environment (reduction in greenspace for additional housing, support businesses, transport links, plus impacts on local waterways, etc), air quality and noise. The area around Gatwick has, over the last couple of decades, become increasingly financially dependent on the airport with non-related businesses moving away or choosing to locate elsewhere due to higher costs, and the working population becoming more dependent, either directly or indirectly, on the airport. When air travel levels have fallen (eg after 9/11 and the impact of Covid), this has had a seriously negative impact on the local economy and local peoples' livelihoods. A further increase in the size of the airport, and its dependent workforce can only increase the risk to the local economy and local people.