Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by James Redmile-Gordon

Date submitted
11 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The current sitiation at Gatwick is appaling. I have flown numerous times since lockdown and it's become the worst aiport to travel through due to staff shortages and unhappy workers. I live locally, I know so many people unhappy with their jobs. This company cannot run a single runway efficiently there is no way, with their current regime, they can execute a seconds efficiently and effectively. I have never seen the airport so dire in 35 years. The current company I feel is running it into the ground and looking to turn it for huge profit. I do not and cannot see what the demand is for a second runway as I have never not been able to get a flight from Gatwick when Ive needed and a fly a lot. Just seems ludicrous, this is purely profit driven, they are struggling to recruit so there is no local employment problem to help with. There are no oppurtunities for local people out of this. There is no benefit to local people out of this. There is also no wider benefit other than commercial gain for the company that own the airport. It's not needed and it's growth (whislt not eating into the greenbelt using foorprint) will cause demonstrous harm to Greenbelt areas. It will also bring many houses that are currently not under the flightpath, into noise contours which are regarded as so harmful, that generally in these noise contours planning permission is refused for new houses. So why should older houses have this harm imposed on them when it's too harmful for anyone else. This is madness.