Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by David Ballard

Date submitted
14 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We object to the expansion of Gatwick because of the increased noise levels this will bring, due to the increased frequency of planes that will fly over our village. We live almost directly underneath the flight path and do not want any increase in planes or noise. Planes already fly over every few minutes and during those periods noise levels are so high that it is not possible to ignore and any conversation has to cease. Noise levels are particularly disruptive at night and interfere with our sleep, this is particularly difficult during summer months when plane noise prevents us from opening windows. Our day-to-day life is already significantly impacted and any expansion and increase in planes would severely increase this. We also consider that the increased air pollution that increasing the number of flights will bring will potentially decrease air quality in our village and surrounding area. This is very concerning and a potentially significant risk to the health of residents. Failing to undertake a full evaluation of this impact would be to ignore the health and well being of local people and expose them to a potentially damaging involuntary risk.