Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Sheila Peacock

Date submitted
15 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am not in favour of an additional runway at Gatwick Airport. The technology does not exist to decarbonise flying at present scale within the timescale of net zero by 2050 and therefore flying must be discouraged and statutorily reduced to the absolute minimum. The money should be spent on land transport and on reducing the need for transport. Also the landscape and wildlife around Gatwick Airport should not be subject to further disturbance and pollution caused by the building and use of an additional runway. The economic argument for a new runway needs to be re-cast to take into account the negative effect of carbon emissions and pollution directly and indirectly caused by the runway (e.g. more land transport in the vicinity of Gatwick, with congestion and pollution, and water pollution by runoff from the runway) on both those immediately affected and future generations worldwide. Flying is responsible for only a few percent of global emissions but it is easy to reduce them and we should show global responsibility by refusing to increase them. There should be lots of opportunities to create local employment around Gatwick in the "green economy", particularly in solar and loft insulation, rather than sacrificing the future to ephemeral construction jobs followed by low-quality, low-paid catering and service jobs in an expanded airport. The financial stimulus for the runway should be turned to creating green economy jobs.