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Representation by Robin Paul Spencer

Date submitted
15 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to object to the proposals for the expansion of Gatwick Airport, and to the consequent intensification of its activities in terms of a greatly increased number of flights, on a number of grounds. Firstly, I object to the increase in the number of flights as a nearby resident, and therefore one directly affected by the noise and atmospheric pollution. This has already manifested itself on a number of occasions this summer, notably when the direction of the flight paths being used has changed. On some occasions, the noise has been constant and has greatly affected the enjoyment of the amenities for a very large number of people. Apart from the noise, repeated every few minutes throughout the day, the smell of spent and unspent aircraft fuel has been extremely unpleasant and its effects damaging to the health. Secondly, the expansion will bring several unwanted consequences to the local infrastructure, in terms of traffic congestion and therefore pollution, in one of the already most crowded and congested parts of the country, through further pressure on local housing, education and the health service. Thirdly, at a time when governments should be trying to reduce environmental and atmospheric pollution, the results of this proposed expansion will increase the release of greenhouse gases and thereby inevitably worsen the climate emergency faced by all nations. Fourthly, in addition to the environmental damage of any increase at all in flights, the part of the country which needs any such intensified activity less than any other must be the South-East and the London area in particular. If any increase in flights is inevitable, then that should take place in other parts of the country, where housing pressures are less intense and more economic activity is more needed. I hope that these comments will be taken into consideration.