Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Marion Dallison (Marion Dallison)

Date submitted
15 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I believe this Northern Runway application should be disregarded immediately, such is its potential to significantly damage the world's future, through potential increase in greenhouse emissions. I have live in Charlwood all my life : I am aware there is no 'existing' second runway currently operating in conjunction (There is an emergency runway/taxiway that is only used when the main runway is not being used) – As such  I believe Gatwick has been deliberately misleading residents about the current existence of a ‘second’ runway, and I suspect it is attempting to get a second runway through a easier process, (easier than the public enquiry of previous expansion attempts). Given the gravity of the likely effects on the hot potato of Climate Change, I believe rejection of the expansion or a full public Enquiry is needed.     Few people can be expected to read and understand the the hundreds of pages of the Gatwick Expansion proposal, However what i can expect is based upon from reading the original A4 Gatwick Consultation paper booklet. Reading this Consultation felt like Gatwick were being like a bad salesman:- Gatwick had omitted virtually all information about expansion effects on my village of Charlwood (the most crucial to me).and provided fine detail about things that didn't matter like the shape of the footpath on the changes to A23 roundabout. Accepting or Rejecting this proposal is a  bit like doing a quick check to prove a complicated calculation is in the right ball park. In the Gatwick Northern runway Expansion instance the consultation document stunk of greed, deception , ignoring of affected communities and ignoring the planet, as such I feel the proposal should be totally rejected.  I recently (Aug/Sept 2023) received an A5 folded colour leaflet  through my door from Gatwick, The statements within were about the perceived benefits of expansion to the local area of increasing their airport reality the statements simply do not add up.  No negative side effects were given, This Gatwick leaflet felt like a salesman selling a vacuum cleaner, not the sign of a caring organisation concerned about how it will affect the earths future through Climate Change.  the proposal at Gatwick should be quickly rejected, Gatwick is big enough.    I believe Gatwick is an unsuitable location for further expansion:-  There is one railway line, There is one major arterial road. Their is total lack of suitable road infrastructure, The surrounding regions already have low unemployment, Gatwick already struggle to fill posts, There is already a significant housing shortage in the counties around Gatwick.  The  serving M23 motorway only goes one stop beyond Gatwick, and is already congested at peak times,  The M23 'Smart motorway' system has now been proven dubious and dangerous. The lack of existing passenger car parking, has created a black market of unofficial use of farmers fields for car parking around Charlwood.,  Expansion at Gatwick should be quickly rejected, Gatwick is big enough.  Having lived in Charlwood  all my life, I'm  under no illusion that Gatwick really care about pollution, I am aware Gatwick is a foreign owned company, I do not believe Gatwick's owners care about ruining the green and pleasant land that is Charlwood, and its surroundings, The Gatwick expansion publicity implies being about goodwill to assist Englands growth,,  However I believe gatwicks expansion proposal is  all about increasing  their share value, and their profits. Expansion at Gatwick should be quickly rejected, Gatwick is big enough.   I have lived all my life in Charlwood:- Charlwood is a beautiful  Historic village, despite it being neighbour to Gatwick Charlwood retains a great sense of community, friendliness, it is well maintained and run, has low crime rate and has a visible history all around, with many book written about it.   I am deeply concerned that the Gatwick expansion will ruin my ancestral village It has the potential to ruin inhabitants' health, where they can no longer enjoy their gardens and the beautiful surrounding countryside: making it a place where kind honest people will no longer live,   Gatwick's Northern Runway proposals will move noise ,the concrete, the traffic  and the pollution significantly closer to Charlwood. This will ruin a community that really works.  I am sad that the potential for Decreasing the Ground and aircraft noise has not been considered for Charlwood (for example by strategically positioned huge earth bunds like around North Terminal at Povey Cross) none seem to be considered in the proposal, The existing noise at Charlwood greatly affects Charlwood residents' outdoor life and sleep patterns. I am concerned that the expansion plans show reshaping of the Earth Bund at the end of the emergency runway. I feel the location and shape of this existing earth bund is significant, and that it protects my House from noise. I fear this reshaping of the bund will expose Charlwood residents to a direct line of sight 'sound' from aircraft engines on both existing and proposed runways. I was born in Charlwood, and have always lived in Charlwood, we have traced my family can be traced back 10 generations continuous in Charlwood,  We were here before the upstart that is Gatwick. I am affected by Gatwick Noise:- My sleep  is significantly affected by Gatwick aircraft and Gatwick ground noise: I am often woken by aircraft noise from 5am to 7am , I am often kept awake by aircraft take offs around 11pm.  I am often woken during the night by an aircraft . I fear the prospect of years of nightly noise from building work on runways, diggers, concrete breaking, removal and extraction. I feel 'successful sleep' should be a given in our educated world: and so any further expansion at Gatwick should be accompanied by a total ban on all night flights, so I can get a good night's sleep. Please reject this Northern Runway expansion proposal .