Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Gillian Smillie

Date submitted
17 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am objecting strongly to Gatwick Airport's request for a second runway for the following reasons: Noise pollution. The current noise level is unacceptable within the entire Horley area. I gather a further 100,000 flights a year are scheduled which will mean living within a large radius from the airport will be intolerable and those currently not within the exisiting flight paths will be affected. Housing: Where are the expanded work force going to be living? Currently a shortage of housing in all price ranges. Employment: And how are the extra jobs going to be filled? Gatwick has suffered this year from staff shortages in baggage handling etc and currently NATS are saying they do not have sufficient air traffic control staff leading to major delays. Transport: The roads around Gatwick are already overused. M23 A23 A217 all busy through most of the day. There is only train one line to Gatwick which can be severely overcrowded at peak times. There is a limit to the number of extra trains that can be run. Pollution: We are all supposed to be aware of climate change. How can the addition of all those extra flights be tenable when the world's climate is under such serous threat? To that you have to add emissions from theadditional cars/lorries bringing passengers and freight. Health: You can smell the aviation fuel in the air around here which is damaging for those with asthma and breathing issues and distaceful to all.. Gatwick are just being greedy. Please decline this request.