Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Esther Wheller

Date submitted
17 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to an expansion of Gatwick airport. This is destroying the South East, particularly Kent, with it's many tranquil beauty spots. The damaging effects are among other things air and noise pollution. I understand that there is noise to do with airports, when you live right next to it. However, I live in Tonbridge and I hear the planes and get woken up by flight noise, late at night and early in the mornings . I figure more runways = more planes = more noise and more air pollution. It will also have a major effect on the access roads, particularly the M25 and M23. More planes= more cars. The M25 is already full to bursting despite the so called Smart Motorway. In addition vast areas of landscape would be tarmaced over for the runway and the roads aswell as for even more car parks. Aren't we supposed to reduce the pollution? Let's make a start. No thank you to a Gatwick airport expansion.