Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Caroline Sheridan

Date submitted
17 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am against this proposal for a number of reasons. 1- noise, living as we do under the flightpath to Gatwick we already find it hard to enjoy our garden as the noise from the aircraft mean it is impossible to hold a conversation when the planes flyover which can be as often as every minute. An expansion would make this worse 2- Night flights, we already are woken up by planes flying over our house in in the early hours, and expansion would make this worse 3- Environmental issues both to wildlife and vegetation due to the increased pollution levels. 4 - Health expansion of the airport would have a detrimental effect on my health and well-being due to lack of sleep and increased pollution due to the reasons outlined above. In this age of global warming we should be looking at reducing air travel not increasing it there is no reason other than short term greed for the few to expand Gatwick