Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Timothy Cotton

Date submitted
17 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

These comments relate to the proposal to build a NEW northern runway at Gatwick Airport. 1) It flies in the face of our urgent need to reduce Carbon Emissions drastically in the near term. The increase in air traffic (mostly non-vital holiday journeys) and the increase in Transportation to/from the airport will cause a substantial increase to the existing high level of Carbon Emissions. This is BAD! 2) Operation of a new runway will together with the the associated transport to the Airport will add to the level of atmospheric pollution in the vicinity of the airport. There is no real prospect of any significant reduction in the harmful products produced by Aero Engines. This new runway will substantially increase the number of flights out of /into Gatwick. This will promote Global pollution. This is BAD! 3) The existing road and rail links to/from the Airport are insufficient to be able to handle the increased volume of traffic at peak times. Are the owners/Operators going to pay for large upgrades of this infrastructure? 4) In addition to Atmospheric pollution, the will also be a significant addition to NOISE POLLUTION due to flights from the New Runway. Flights from this Airport are already permitted to operate in `Unsocial Hours' and even the most modern Aircraft and methods of jet propulsion will generate high noise levels particularly during takeoff. The New Runway will cause an extension to the existing noise level contours around the Airport, dragging many more homes into areas of exposure to unacceptable noise levels from an increased number of Aircraft movements. This is BAD 5) The Applicant has not described the Northern Runway as NEW, which it certainly is. This fact alone should invalidate the application.