Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Jonathan Edwards

Date submitted
17 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I oppose this application; 1. Gatwick has already been declined the opportunity to build a 2nd runway after years of review and analysis. 2. Gatwick is not located in a convenient place for users, creating a massive environmental impact in those users making journey to the airport. This impact is not being considered in the impact analysis. 3. The application for a new runway doesn't comply with the government aviation strategy. 4. As a resident near the airport, the pollution on my patio stones, indicates how much muck is in the air, and that is being breathed in, by all the children and elderly people in this area. That is now, and by increasing the volume of air traffic, will have a detrimental health impact. 5. The airport is not really interested in the impact on the residents. At the moment, we have hundreds of taxi drivers clogging up the streets of Horley, parked illegally and dropping their rubbish onto our streets - sometimes this is human waste, which is beyond comprehension. If the airport is a good neighbour, they have not shown it, to date. 6. The airlines do not stick to flight paths, and the frequency of off-route flights is high, causing noise beyond fair and reasonable, at all hours, but especially at anti-social hours around 5-7am when a large amount of cheap flights take off. 7. The roads cannot cope with more traffic and the rail services have been reduced by the rail companies. Getting on a train when flights have unloaded their passengers is frequently hard work, and to have that footfall increase, is not safe with the train services. 8. Climate change - this year has been the global hottest yet on record. We must be taking into account the impact on future generations when making planning decisions. 9. Decision makers are not impacted by the decisions they take. I recall that the previous analysis from Gatwick suggested that the councillors (based in Chichester) were all in favour of the expansion. Well, why wouldnt they be, as they have no local experience of the downside. This decision should genuinely include those local people affected, and not biased PR stunts from Gatwick Management. And so on...