Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Laura Woodruff

Date submitted
18 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I strongly oppose the development of Gatwick airport. As a local resident I am already negatively impacted constantly by the airport. The main issues are: 1) Regularity of flights - there is a constant stream of flights overhead. 2) The noise - both in its regularity and volume. It is a constant interruption. An increase would be completely unreasonable. The noise currently impacts my ability to sleep (even with windows closed), my comfort in my home as I cannot open the windows in my house due to the noise, I cannot hear a conversation inside my house or things like radio/tv (even with windows closed), I cannot enjoy my garden or talk to my family without the constant interruption of aircraft noise. I cannot call to my children as they cannot hear me over the noise of aircraft. I cannot hear (even inside my house with windows closed) a conversation unless the person is stood directly next to me. I currently have to wait for a flight to pass to continue conversation or to communicate with my children. If the volume of flights increased this would be unmanageable. 3)Air pollution. I have ongoing concerns about the air quality myself and my children are exposed to. 4) Impact on the infrastructure. The local roads and motorway junctions are already regularly grid-locked. The quality of the road surfaces between the M25 and gatwick is very poor with many potholes. An increase of people using Gatwick would only create a higher level of congestion, increased damage to road quality, and an increase in air pollution. 5) Environmental/Climate - airport expansion is in direct contrast to a promise to cutting emissions in the fight against climate change.