Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Mrs K. Wilson

Date submitted
18 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I STRONGLY object to this proposed new runway (rebuilding a runway 12m north makes it a new runway, not an existing one) on the following grounds: • Pollution. The proposed expansion would very substantially increase the carbon dioxide emissions and noise pollution associated with Gatwick’s operations and flights. • Road Traffic. The proposed development will result in Gatwick handling a similar number of passengers to Heathrow but without the road and rail connectivity of Heathrow. The market towns and rural villages north of Gatwick suffer hugely from traffic problems due to employees and airport passengers using non motorway roads and rural lanes to get to Gatwick. This proposed development will make this situation significantly worse. • Flood Risk. The River Mole regularly floods over into villages such as Betchworth and Brockham. This is exacerbated by surface water from the acres of hardstanding etc. within Gatwick airport which eventually is discharged into the River Mole. This application does deal with the discharge effects downstream from Gatwick. • Building Work. This application is much more than just bringing into use an existing runway. It involves 5 years plus of major construction work to Gatwick including new aircraft taxiways, extensions to the North Terminal and South Terminal, provision of additional hotel and office space, provision of reconfigured multi-storey car parking, including new multi-storey car parks, highway alterations, demolition etc. This will bring with it an associated increase in local road traffic, noise and pollution. It is unacceptable. • Employment. Gatwick Airport claims that one of the benefits of this project is that it would create 14,000 additional jobs. This region (the South East) has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the UK, so the assumption must be that the extra 14,000 personnel will come from other parts of the country. Where, in an area of limited housing stock, is the housing for these people? How does this accord with the 'levelling up' policies? • Crowded Air Space. The South East/London already has one of the busiest air spaces in the UK. This development, if allowed, would add even greater pressure on this overcrowded air space. For all the reasons above (and more!) Gatwick is NOT an airport suitable for expansion now or ever.