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Representation by Windsor Developments (Windsor Developments)

Date submitted
18 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Jersey Farm - DCO Northern Runway at Gatwick Airport Interested Party Registration - for Windsor Developments. We are writing to register our clients Windsor Developments as an interested party, in regard to the Development Consent Order (DCO) at Gatwick Airport for the Northern Runway. We wish to be kept informed of progress and to ensure we have the opportunity to appear in due course, at the Examination stage. We understand that the next steps will include a further opportunity to put forward our case, as part of the Examination, and we therefore await a further update from PINS following the closure of the registered party process on the 29th October. We understand that the date of the Preliminary Meeting and the timetable for examination are currently expected to be early 2024 lasting for approx. 6 months. Having reviewed the supporting Annex 8, as recommended, it is clear from section 6.5 that our relevant representation should relate to the DCO application, and therefore as recommended we include this context as an initial summary highlighting what we consider to be the main issues and impacts. Our client has land holdings to the south of the existing runway, and has implemented planning permissions to the north of the main Employment Area at Manor Royal, as follows: CR/2019/0696/FUL Permitted – September 2019 Erection Of A Warehouse Building To Provide B8 Use Together With Associated Car Parking And Landscaping (Amended Plans And Description). CR/2015/0435/FUL Permitted – July 2015 Construction Of An Industrial Warehouse Building Comprising Three Units, A, B And C, To Provide B2 And B8 Usage, Together With Associated Parking And Amenity Space (Updated Planning Statement Received) They are also proposing a commercial led masterplan covering 17.22 hectares, as an extension to Manor Royal, known as the Land Consortium at Land Adjacent to Jersey Farm as submitted for the LP 2020-2035 consultation in February 2020. The masterplan will provide 40,372 sq m of commercial space in addition to landscape and biodiversity enhancements adjacent to a public right of way, public realm improvement and placemaking, and contributions towards sustainable transport and interconnectivity. As part of the on-going CBC LP examination, we have made numerous formal representations and will be attending the Examination Hearings starting in November. In addition to our representations to CBC as the Local Planning Authority, we have also made representations to Gatwick Airport Limited (GAL) regarding their masterplan. We have raised concerns over the continued safeguarding to the South of the existing runway, by making continued representations to Central Government as a response to draft Aviation strategies. Our main concerns in relation to the DCO relate to the access and transport impacts of the proposed development, which we consider does not adequately assess the effects on the wider transport network in the area, especially in association with highways capacity in the short, medium and long term, and in relation to any planned, allocated or emerging development in the wider Gatwick area. We are particularly concerned that such impacts as a result of the DCO Northern Runway may restrict any other development coming forward, through increased trip generation and reduced highways capacity. As regards the evidence base submitted to support the DCO, we are concerned that the DCO Northern Runway scheme and the 2019 Gatwick Airport Ltd Masterplan do not adequately consider the noise, air quality and environmental implications for the area. In addition, there is confusion as to the interrelationship between the GAL Masterplan, which states that a southern runway is not being actively pursued, and GAL’s support for the retention of safeguarded land as part of the Local Plan Review. Should the proposed Northern Runway be approved, then it is unclear why safeguarded land is required. This is raised in the MIQs by the Local Plans appointed Inspectors due to be discussed in November 2023. Therefore, in the event that the DCO is successful, we seek clarity over the future of the safeguarding that currently is a serious constraint to our client’s land. In addition, we seek clarity on the impact on the economic function of Manor Royal and associated local impacts during construction and implementation phasing. We will be keen to understand the process and next steps for safeguarding from central government following the DCO, in regard to the planning of longer term land uses as a result of the Northern Runway. We understand that the DCO Examination Process will take 6 months and that the Inspectors’ report, post closure of the Examination, will be within 3 months. We are therefore also concerned as to how the DCO process will progress in line with the Local Plan Examination, as this takes place under a separate process and timescale. We consider further clarity is required, beyond the Inspectors comments, as to how the two processes will consider airport- related development and the implications for the area. As Section 6.7 of Annex 8 confirms, we wish to attend any DCO examination processes and are considering the opportunity to submit further written representation by the deadlines set in the Examination Timetable, to expand on these matters as required as part of the DCO examination process. Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me. Suzanne Holloway