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Representation by Nutfield Conservation Society (Nutfield Conservation Society)

Date submitted
18 October 2023
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

Nutfield Conservation Society originated as a village association in 1971 and was formally constituted and registered as a charity in 1980. It has been closely involved with aviation matters since its inception and in 1974 was instrumental in the creation of the Aviation Environment Federation, now a nationally and internationally recognised body representing community organisations across the UK. The Society is also a member of the Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign. The Society wishes to register as an interested party in consideration of a DCO for the proposed Gatwick Airport Northern Runway. The Society is, at this stage, concerned over the following possible impacts: - Noise and nuisance caused by increased aircraft movements over the village, particularly since the proposed noise envelope is inconsistent with government policy. - Negative impacts on the local and national economy. - Negative impacts on the local and regional traffic infrastructure. - Increased demand for housing and consequent negative impacts on affordability and green space. - Incompatibility with the need to mitigate climate change; the proposal is likely to increase greenhouse gas emissions, with consequent more violent, extreme and frequent weather events posing a threat to the village environment and its residents. - Increased air pollution; though some miles from the airport, strong south west winds can carry chemical and particulate pollution as far as the village. - The risk to local water courses posed by increasingly frequent and extreme weather events, exacerbated by development of the built environment and non-porous surfaces in and around the airport. A tributary stream to the River Mole flows through the village, and residents already encounter problems accessing work and education places when surface or river flooding occurs.