Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Robert Nicholds

Date submitted
18 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I would like to record that I oppose the Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway, for the following reasons: Climate emergency - a new runway would add a significant amount of carbon and greenhouse gases. Also, it is not compliant with the UK’s net-zero by 2050 policy. In the future there should be FEWER people flying, not more! Commercial passenger aircraft are not going to be “green” for the foreseeable future - electric aircraft are unfeasible and hydrogen aircraft are many decades away from mass adoption, if it ever happens. Linked to that, there is a lack of affordable housing in the Horley area to enable workers to walk or cycle to work. Increase in aircraft noise - an additional 100,000+ flights a year is going to make a significant difference to where I live in Godstone, e.g. in the summer when I may have my windows open. Aircraft often make a turn over the area just south of Godstone and at busy times (even at the moment) the noise can be almost constant, especially with the Heathrow aircraft passing overhead as well. Added to that, I also have low-flying light-aircraft on their way to/from Redhill aerodrome. Gatwick sits on a single main road - the M23 (which I have to use) and which is deemed an unsafe smart road. To add to the huge increase in freight, passengers and workers will cause a significant increase in congestion on residential roads and an inevitable decline in air quality. The airport sits on the Brighton Main Line, which can’t be expanded. Gatwick seeks to add an unacceptable burden to the line with over 32m extra passengers. Low skilled jobs - the additional jobs will be low skilled with little job security due to the volatile nature of the airport’s leisure business. This makes the Horley area very vulnerable in the event of a recession, as Gatwick is the main employer.