Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Ian Vaughan

Date submitted
18 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

HM Government commissioned and Independent enquiry at a cost of circa £20 million pounds. This independent enquiry deemed Gatwick was not right for expansion. Ever since the publication of this report Gatwick have tried to ride roughshod over the findings. Gatwick does NOT have a 2nd runway, regardless of their persistent spurious claims. Since flight paths were changed in 2013 the amount of low flying aircraft flying over my home on their final arrival to Gatwick has increased exponentially. In-spite of over 10 years campaigning Gatwick refuse to adopt fair and equal flight dispersal of continuous decent approach (bringing the planes in at a recognised angle, reducing noise and allowing aeroplanes to remain at a higher altitude for longer) this massive increase of low flying aircraft has affected my mental health and causes sleep deprivation - as there is no restrictions on night flights at Gatwick. Because of non Gatwick air traffic to the North of Gatwick even aircraft arriving from the North of Gatwick loop around and fly over my home. In my opinion Gatwick have no interest in accepting or mitigating the life changing affect they are causing, they only care about money. Having lived in the South East all of my adult life I regularly use the surrounding motorways (M23 & M25) these motorways are at saturation point, they regular grind to a halt for up to hours, they cannot take any more traffic. The railway service to Gatwick is very poor and could not be improved without billions being spent on improvements. Due to all of the above Gatwick is totally inappropriate for any expansion, if anything Gatwick should be shut down and a new airport built on the East Coast.