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Representation by Sussex Wildlife Trust (Sussex Wildlife Trust)

Date submitted
19 October 2023
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

Sussex Wildlife Trust is registering as an Interested Party to raise our objection to the Gatwick Airport Northern Runway Development Consent Order application. Sussex Wildlife Trust is strongly against a second runway at Gatwick Airport, and is objecting to Gatwick Airport Limited’s DCO application on the following grounds: Climate Change • The proposal is for a second runway at Gatwick, which will enable more flights and increase carbon emissions. This is in direct opposition to the UK’s legally binding net zero targets and the expert recommendations of the Climate Change Committee, which continues to advise ‘no net airport expansion across the UK.’ Contrary to Airports National Policy Statement • The creation of a second operating runway at Gatwick is not supported by the Airports National Policy Statement. Ecology • The type and total area of habitat being lost, and the subsequent mitigation and compensation, remain unclear. • Understanding biodiversity impacts beyond the site level at a landscape-scale is required to address the effects on ecological networks in terms of habitat connectivity and function. For example the woodland loss along the A23 and impacts on the wider landscape and supported species, including bats. • There will be a time lag between habitat loss and subsequent habitat creation and maturity (e.g. woodland), and the biodiversity impacts of this time lag are not clear. • Clarity is required on Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) delivery to ensure it is separate from and additional to requirements under the mitigation hierarchy. • Insufficient information on the proposed monitoring and management of newly created habitats. Consultation process • Sussex Wildlife Trust is concerned that the pre-application consultation relating to biodiversity has not been an effective and active process ahead of the DCO submission.