Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Neal Gordon Sheret

Date submitted
19 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Another runway means more aircraft and that means more noise, pollution and more importantly carbon emissions when we should reducing this to hit our carbon neutral commitments. The local infrastructure such as the roads and railways will not cope with the extra passengers. In a leaflet to local homes issued by Gatwick Airport it states " One step closer to a brighter future - for everyone". How can this be true when the majority will suffer from the increased noise and pollution, etc. There are no benefits except for more money for the owners of Gatwick Airport, Global Infrastructure Partners. More passengers will come from further afield creating more congestion, pollution and carbon emissions. If we need to expand airports we should use more regional hubs and reduce travel to the larger airports. This is airport expansion by stealth and it should be refused.