Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Peak Securities Limited (Peak Securities Limited)

Date submitted
20 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We are writing as freeholder of the above property. The property is currently let to H1(London Gatwick) Ltd (our tenant) for a term of 99 years to 31/10/2085. The property is a Hotel operating under the “Holiday Inn” brand. We have been made aware of Gatwick Airport Limited’s (GAL) intention to apply to the Secretary of State for Transport under S37 of the Planning Act 2008, for a Development Consent Order (DCO) to authorise alterations to the existing northern runway at Gatwick Airport. This alongside the lifting of current restrictions, would allow for dual runway operations and associated developments (“Project”). The Project would also include surface access, including highway improvements, landscaping and environment mitigation. Our tenant and operator of the Hotel will be adversely affected by the proposed DCO, which looks to acquire land and make amendments to the highway and to take land on a temporary basis for the purpose of the construction of the amended highway layout. Having reviewed the plans we are particularly concerned that our tenant will be adversely affected by way of access and environmental impacts, through the impact of noise and the construction works around the Hotel. We also received an option agreement from GAL’s agent dated 21 March 2023, which showed a fundamental lack of understanding of our tenant’s use of the property. This could have been much better understood if they had consulted with us and our tenant. We therefore object in the strongest possible terms to the proposed DCO, as there will be a negative impact from access to the Hotel from the temporary use and permanent acquisition of land used as part of the main access to the Hotel. There will be a negative impact on the operation of the Hoppa Bus route and associated business from the “Park Stay and Fly” scheme. The noise will impact the contracts the Hotel has with Airlines to provide quiet, restful conditions and there will be associated remedial costs to reconfigure internal vehicle access, namely the turning circle and access to customer drop off. The negative impact on trading will result in business losses and reputational damage to the Hotel. Our tenant will also be writing with their own objection, with detailed representation that we fully support.