Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Gemma Findlay

Date submitted
21 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to voice my concern and objection to the proposed expansion at Gatwick. Currently the noise pollution is unacceptable, flights run throughout the night - residents where I live in Tunbridge Wells are routinely woken by these flights flying at low levels at 2/3am. The flight path of aircraft commonly falls directly above Tunbridge Wells. In Summer it’s now impossible to have windows open and sleep. Given the current conditions are unacceptable and impacting people’s quality of life, any expansion would increase the volume of air traffic and make the above issue more acute. One of the draws to the wider area of Surrey and Kent for residents and tourists a like, is the protected areas of ONB. Places live Hever Castle, many properties under the National Trust - would be significantly denigrated should this runway go ahead. It is not in the interests of the communities, of the environment, of historic and important landscape - for further expansion at Gatwick to be granted.