Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Ben Armstrong

Date submitted
21 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I would like to express my concerns regarding the potential negative impacts of adding an additional runway to Gatwick Airport: Noise Pollution: With an additional runway, the frequency of flights taking off and landing is expected to increase, leading to heightened noise levels. This could severely affect local residents, schools, and other establishments, making daily life uncomfortable and potentially disrupting learning environments. Environmental Concerns: An increase in flights also means a higher carbon footprint. This expansion may counteract our community and country's efforts to reduce carbon emissions, potentially exacerbating climate change. Traffic Congestion: There's likely to be an uptick in ground traffic with more passengers, leading to road congestion, increased travel times, and potential accidents. Loss of Green Spaces: To accommodate the new infrastructure, there's a risk that we might lose green spaces, leading to a reduction in biodiversity and places for the community to engage in recreational activities. Property Devaluation: There's potential for properties in the vicinity to decrease in value due to the increased noise and pollution, causing financial losses for homeowners. Strain on Local Resources: With more tourists and travelers, local resources like hospitals, schools, and public transport might experience strain, affecting the daily lives of residents. Air Quality Degradation: More flights mean more airplane emissions, which could deteriorate air quality, posing health risks to nearby residents, particularly those with respiratory issues. Water Pollution: The airport expansion might increase the risk of water pollution due to runoff from the runways, potentially affecting local water sources. In my day-to-day life, myself and my family would be impacted with disrupted sleep due to noise, longer commute times, concerns about children's health and education in local schools.I urge the authorities to consider these points while making a decision about the expansion and to prioritise the well-being and concerns of local residents.