Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Alexander Bennett

Date submitted
21 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I absolutely object to the proposal that Gatwick airport should be allowed to expand and build a new Northern runway. This would be a disaster for the 1.climate 2. for local air and noise pollution 3. local infrastructure 4. local wildlife 5. local countryside. A new runway could lead to an extra 1.5million tonnes of carbon being admitted each year. The world climate situation is critical and the UK government needs to lead by example. They have already recently agreed to new oil field drilling and pushed back the ban on new petrol /diesel cars being made. They absolutely must not agree to Gatwick airport expansion which will further damage the UK commitment to carbon net zero 2050. The government, whoever it may be, needs to make climate change their number one priority and stop being so short term in their views and actions for the benefits of their party and need to take longterm actions for the sake of the our children and grandchildren , the country, our society and the world. Gatwick already imposes very significant noise and air pollution on the local residential rural surrounding area. Local residents will have their peace shattered and their houses devalued with a doubling of flights from Gatwick. There is inadequate local infrastructure in this surrounding rural area. the local roads are not built to manage with such an increase in traffic and the public transport infrastructure in the area will not cope with the estimated increased to 75 million passengers per year !! The surrounding countryside and wildlife will be severely adversely impacted and the build process and longer term increase in flights and passengers will lead to increased urbanisation of the local Sussex and Surrey country side to a detrimental effect. The second runway must not be built for all the above reasons.