Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Matthew Winchcombe van Grutten

Date submitted
22 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am objecting to this project on the grounds of noise. I live in an Area of Outstanding Beauty and a Conservation Area in deepest rural East Sussex, over 40 miles from LGW by road. We are currently already subjected to the relentless and invasive noise of aircraft on their final decent to LGW from the Continent. On a bad day, it is not possible to escape the noise either inside or outside the house as an aircraft passes over head at the rate of 1 per minute. Sat navigation makes the exact path of an aircraft almost the same, which makes the noise situation even worse. It has effected everything we do here including trying to sleep at night. It is very typical to be woken by an aircraft flying over in the early morning (between midnight and 0400). These aircraft are generally below 10,000 feet and often much lower. Of course LGW must operate, but some sort of “sharing the pain” system where we would know that the flight paths were on a rota, or a complete reroute to fly over more urban areas where there is already ambient noise pollution would help. Recently in Tunbridge Wells, I noted an aircraft at about 7000 feet the noise from which could not be heard over the general noise of the town. Finally, perhaps the that altitude could be raised, the resulting reduction in noise would be significant, until an aircraft is nearer the runway. I object to any form of increase in LGW.