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Representation by Alan J White

Date submitted
23 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am concerned about the effect the flying of jets is having on global warming. Not only is there the carbon output there is the effect of hot jet exhaust heating the upper atmosphere. The other major problems are:- 1. the inadequacy of the sewage system , which is already over loaded, to cope with the increased passengers. 2. The lack of housing locally for the proposed extra staff required. 3. the rails system cannot cope with current levels of passengers, so how are all the extra people supposed to get to Gatwick. 4. the roads round Gatwick are already at capacity. 5. The increase in noise and nox levels around the area. 6. the carbon increase due to the demolition and construction required for the proposed works. We should be reducing the number of passenger flights not increasing them. Why are the airlines not paying tax and VAT on the fuel they use? Dear Sir, I object to this proposal. We are in a war against Climate Change and big business is only intent on lining its pockets. A third runway has been mooted for Heathrow since just after the last war. It has been stopped every time. The same should happen here, the airlines are the biggest polluters of our atmosphere. We do not need more planes in the air.