Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Mrs Jean Morriss

Date submitted
23 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object very strongly to a second runway at Gatwick. It will have hugely damaging environmental consequences to Sussex, Surrey and Kent. It will increase the pollutants that cause climate change. It will bring even more noise over the sensitive Ashdown Forest SSSI and SPA that is already plagued by aircraft noise from Gatwick arrivals. It will increase traffic throughout the whole area (also more traffic through the Ashdown Forest which is sensitive to Nitrogen deposition). It will increases shortages of houses, water, medical facilities and schools due to bringing more people into an already overpopulated part of the South East. It will put even more pressure on the Brighton to London train line that goes through Gatwick that is already overcrowded and without sufficient capacity to load even more luggage that accompanies Gatwick passengers that generally blocks up the aisles. There are well known water shortages in the SE and Gatwick uses a lot of water. The public transport system is poor and so people will inevitably drive to Gatwick increasing local traffic and the overcrowded M23. The provision for cyclists around Gatwick is nothing short of totally inadequate and dangerous so people will drive.