Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Jenny Shepherd

Date submitted
23 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to object to the proposal. - Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an application for a new runway and as such does not comply with policy, or the Government’s Aviation Strategy. Gatwick does not have 2 runways that it can operate concurrently today and as such it is in effect a new runway being constructed. In those circumstances if the remit of the Examination is on the basis that the runway to be used is not a new runway, then assessment of environmental and other impacts cannot be properly considered. -I live under the flightpath of the Gatwick approach route. My location is not immediately adjacent to the airport, but the topography of the village situation (significant and sharp elevation of land/hills to the north-east) creates a 'bowl' effect which amplifies the noise. There are times during the year and at particular times of day and night when the impact of the noise of the approaching aircraft is considerable. The proposed intensification of use of the airport would only increase significantly the incidence and duration of these impacts. The evidence is, that an additional 101,000 flights a year to a cap of 386,000 will be flown.The noise events would go from being episodic to more or less constant. -We face a climate emergency, and a new runway would add a significant amount of carbon and greenhouse gases – Evidence CCC (2020) The Sixth Carbon Budget – Methodology Report. In July 2023 the Committee on Climate Change urged the government to pause any further airport expansion to meet the UK's 2050 net zero commitments. It is not demonstrated how this level of expansion is compatible with the ambition for 'net zero' flying by 2050. Gatwick's proposed increase in passenger numbers significantly outweighs the proposed increase in sustainable travel use. - It is not shown that, although Gatwick is an important regional employer and transport hub, that there is a need in business or transport terms, sufficient for this level of expansion, such as to outweigh the noise and environmental impacts.