Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Rosalie Harrison

Date submitted
23 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Environmental Impact: The expansion of an airport typically leads to an increase in air traffic, resulting in greater carbon emissions and pollution. This can have a detrimental effect on the local environment and contribute to climate change. Noise Pollution: A second runway would mean more flights, and consequently, more noise. The noise from aircraft can disrupt the tranquility of local communities and have a negative impact on the quality of life for residents. Traffic Congestion: Increased air traffic often translates to more vehicular traffic on surrounding roads. This can lead to congestion, longer commute times, and additional strain on local infrastructure. Land Use and Displacement: The construction of a second runway may require the acquisition of additional land, potentially displacing residents or impacting local ecosystems. This can be a source of contention and disruption for affected communities. Economic Factors: While airport expansion can stimulate economic growth in the region, it may not necessarily benefit everyone. Some argue that the economic gains may be outweighed by the negative impacts on residents, such as noise and air pollution. Impact on Health: The increased air traffic and associated air pollution can have potential health effects on residents, including respiratory issues and other health concerns. Community Disruption: Construction and expansion projects can cause disruptions in the local community, affecting daily life and the sense of place that residents value. Resource Consumption: The construction and operation of a second runway require significant resources, such as land, energy, and water, which can strain local resources and infrastructure.