Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Catherine Burgess

Date submitted
23 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to the expansion for the following reasons; 1. Noise - When we moved here in 2009 we were aware of aircraft noise but not to the extent that we have been in the last 10 years with significant activity and noise increase. The Asian overnight flights can start coming in as early as 03.00 and there is a stream of them after the first. This invariably wakes me up as once I've heard one often the next flight can be heard approaching so my sleep is broken. The large aircraft eg A380 Emirates - yes I can see this on the underside of the plane as they approach Gatwick almost low enough to wave to the passengers. Yet we are still 25 miles from Gatwick. The airbus type planes make an even more intrusive noise and again they appear to be approaching at a lower height. This generally continues all day till later at night, except in the summer when they can be heard approaching throughout the night at a time when windows are open to help with sleep in the heat. This has a significant negative effect on my mental health and general function that day. Why can any of these planes not make their approach at a higher level to reduce the noise ? Conversations in the garden during the day are interrupted so gardens cannot be enjoyed. Heathrow I believe has an overnight moratorium - minimal flight activity. Why has this not be applied to Gatwick. The prospect of even further increase in flight activity should the extension go ahead, is depressing. 2. Environment Alongside the increase in flights over the last 10 years I have noticed black spotting on our patio which is not mould. I am concerned this may be from aircraft engines. To increase the carbon footprint from increased fuel emissions from any source cannot and must not be supported in face of the the obvious havoc being wreaked on our local and the global climate. Life threatening temperature increases, drought, floods, food shortages, economic impact - civil unrest is not far away. Tom I would ask you to refuse this planning request in the strongest terms. People have got to reduce their carbon 'footprints' for the sake of the younger generation, our health and the future health of the planet. I am fortunate enough to be able to express my views. So many people are not.