Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Lisa James

Date submitted
24 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing to express my strong objection to the proposed expansion of Gatwick Airport, a project that, in my view, poses several significant environmental and societal concerns. While I recongnise the importance of modernising and improving infrastructure, the potential consequences of this expansion on emissions, traffic congestion, noise pollution, Greenbelt land, and local environmental habitats cannot be overlooked. Emissions: The aviation industry is a substantial contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. The expansion of Gatwick Airport would invariably lead to increased air traffic, exacerbating the emissions problem. In a time when we should be actively working to reduce our carbon footprint and combat climate change, the expansion contradicts our collective efforts. Additional Traffic in a Congested Area: Gatwick Airport is situated in an already congested area, with limited road and rail infrastructure to support the existing volume of traffic. Expanding the airport will attract more travelers and cargo, leading to a surge in road traffic. This increased congestion will not only inconvenience local residents but also contribute to air quality degradation and health issues. Noise Pollution: The noise pollution generated by Gatwick Airport is a major source of annoyance and health concerns for nearby communities. Expanding the airport will inevitably lead to a greater number of flights, thus intensifying the problem of noise pollution. This will negatively impact the quality of life for residents in the vicinity and can harm physical and mental health. Greenbelt Land: Gatwick Airport is situated close to Greenbelt areas, a region protected to preserve its natural and agricultural beauty. Expanding the airport would infringe upon this protected land, potentially leading to the destruction of scenic landscapes, agricultural areas, and recreational spaces that are cherished by local communities. Destruction of Local Environmental Habitats: The proposed expansion poses a substantial threat to local environmental habitats, including woodlands, wetlands, and wildlife areas. The disruption caused by construction and increased airport operations can lead to the displacement and loss of valuable habitats for numerous species, which is detrimental to local biodiversity. In light of these concerns, I urge the responsible authorities to reconsider the expansion of Gatwick Airport and instead focus on more sustainable and environmentally friendly options for transportation. We should be actively seeking ways to reduce emissions, promote public transportation, and protect our natural surroundings. I request that you take these objections into serious consideration as you review the expansion proposal for Gatwick Airport. We must prioritise the well-being of our environment and communities over short-term economic gains. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Lisa James