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Representation by Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (Network Rail Infrastructure Limited)

Date submitted
24 October 2023
Submitted by
Other statutory consultees
  1. We act for Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (Network Rail) and have been instructed to submit relevant representations on its behalf. As a statutory undertaker affected by the proposed DCO we respectfully request the Examiner exercise it's discretion and accept Network Rail as an interested party for the purposes of the Examination process. 2. Network Rail is continuing to review the application material, including the Transport Assessment with the intention that further detail will be provided at the written representation stage. 3. The draft DCO proposes the use of compulsory acquisition powers in relation to operational land of Network Rail and this poses significant issues for the safe operation of the railway. We also note that the DCO currently does not include any protective provisions for the protection of the railway which will be necessary given the proximate location of the works to the railway. 4. The draft DCO also propose to permanently acquire a vast number of plots of which Network Rail have rights over, such as access rights, right to culvert, channel or cables. Network Rail will require these rights to be retained, as well any existing rights yet to be determined. 5. We reserve our client's position to expand on this representation. Dentons UK and Middle East LLP 24 October 2023