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Representation by Martin Thomas Wright

Date submitted
24 October 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Hello, I live local to Gatwick with my family. Were this application to go ahead, of course we would lament, and object now, to the obvious increase in flights that will occur. It will mean a massive increase in noise pollution, fossil fuel pollution, and jettisoned fuel pollution. Even worse is that if you agree the application there is no mitigation to these additional pollutions. Allowing this application will inevitably increase demands on the NHS from the inevitable adverse health issues that will result in the area . But irrespective of that, at a time when the need to lessen the use of fossil fuels is critical to the sustainability of the planet this application would incur yet another massive increase in fossil fuel use for the foreseeable future. I find this incomprehensible. The science is there for anyone to see other than those that are blinkered and deluded. As said mitigation isn’t possible unless effective and efficient carbon capture (relevant to aircraft use) has been proved and commercially available and implementation of it is a prerequisite stipulation in any approval documentation. In all objectivity this application should not, and must not be allowed to proceed prior to available technologies that minimise noise pollution and eliminate additional fossil fuel pollution.